Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry11 months ago
Brain anatomy and function, an overview | Neuroscience basics

Brain anatomy and function, an overview | Neuroscience basics

What's the function of the different lobes of the brain? Is brain death the same as death? What is phantom pain? Why does our brain looks like a shrivelled walnut? We all know that the brain is one of the most important organs in our body. But, do you know how it works? In this educational video, I'll explore these questions by giving you an overview of the anatomy and function of the brain. I'll go over the major parts of the brain: Cerebrum (frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobe), cerebellum and brainstem. Enjoy! I hope that this video makes neurology and brain anatomy easy (easier?) and can be of great value for medical students, nurses, USMLE, NCLEX. Timecodes: 0:00 Introduction 0:30 Brain anatomy 0:52 Why does the brain have wrinkles? 1:51 Neurons 2:47 What happens during a stroke? 2:59 What happens in Parkinson's disease? 3:20 Corpus callosum 3:54 Lobes of the brain 4:08 Frontal lobe 5:52 Parietal lobe 6:44 Why are our lips, hands and genitals so sensitive? 7:11 Phantom pain 8:05 Why can we perform awake brain surgery? 8:18 Headaches 8:56 Temporal lobe 9:35 Occipital lobe 9:40 Brain stem 10:11 Brain stem death 10:46 Brain death vs. Coma vs. Vegetative state 11:30 Cerebellum 11:54 The end Brain anatomy and function, an overview | Neuroscience basics

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