Zunaira saleh
Zunaira salehabout 20 hours ago
Oral pharynx

Oral pharynx

A) Axial section through the oral pharynx demonstrating the contents of the parapharyngeal space. The prestyloid space contains the deep lobe of the parotid, fat, and lymph nodes. The poststyloid compartment contains the internal jugular vein; internal carotid artery; cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII; sympathetic trunk and superior sympathetic ganglion; ascending pharyngeal artery; and lymph nodes. Note its proximity and continuity with the peritonsillar and retropharyngeal spaces. (B) Coronal section through the oropharynx showing the vertical extent of the parapharyngeal space. (C) Coronal section sliced more anterior demonstrating the continuity of the parapharyngeal and submandibular spaces. (From Blumberg JM, Judson BL. Oper Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;25[3]:3

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