Adli11 months ago


In this picture, we get to see the portal vein and also the inferior vena cava bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The portal vein leads to the liver. Why? Because the liver needs to detoxify the things that we eat and nowadays most of our food are non-organic and full of toxic materials. If the portal vein is blocked, a lot of complications could happen such as portal hypertension and right heart failure with a lot of different clinical manifestations that we can observe such as oedema, phlebestasia (dilatation of the superficial vein of the abdomen), ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) and even haemorrhages. Sometimes the body will create pathways called collaterals which could possibly cause the vein to go into the inferior vena cava without passing the liver. In this case, could cause the toxic to accumulate in the body which is very dangerous. To be on the safe side, be picky with what you put in your system because sometimes our natural detox machine might not work at its best 😌

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