Hunain3 months ago
Types of cracked tooth

Types of cracked tooth

Your dentist will classify your tooth fracture as one of the following five categories: Cracked tooth: This is a vertical crack that runs from the biting surface of your tooth up to your gum line. Sometimes, the crack extends into your gum line and root. Craze lines (hairline cracks): These are small, very thin cracks on your tooth enamel. They don’t hurt. Fractured cusp: You may have a fractured cusp if a crack forms around a dental filling. Fractured cusps usually aren’t very painful. Split tooth: As the name implies, this is when a crack splits your tooth into two parts. A split tooth may run below your gum line. Vertical root fracture: This is a crack that starts below your gum line and moves toward the surface of your tooth. This type of cracked tooth may not cause symptoms unless your tooth pulp becomes infected.

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