Hunain10 months ago


“Hypodontia” is the medical term for being born without some of your teeth. It’s a form of dental agenesis — a term healthcare providers use to describe congenitally missing teeth. (“Congenitally” means you’re born with the condition.) Specifically, a person with hypodontia is missing one to six teeth (not counting wisdom teeth). Between 2% and 8% of the general population has hypodontia. Anyone can be born with it. Hypodontia can occur in any area of your mouth. But the teeth most commonly missing in people with hypodontia include your: Upper lateral incisors (the smaller teeth on either side of your top two front teeth). Upper second premolars (the teeth just in front of your molars on the top). Lower second premolars (the teeth just in front of your molars on the bottom).

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