MEDizzy Videosabout 7 years ago
3D model of plantar foot muscles

3D model of plantar foot muscles

In this video, we will get to see the plantar foot muscles in a three-dimensional view to gain a better understanding of their structure and position. These muscles are arranged in layers with the first layer being the most superficial. 0:00 introduction 0:30 layer 1 0:48 flexor digitorum brevis 2:30 abductor hallucis 3:12 abductor digiti quinti/minimi 5:14 layer 2 6:02 quadratus plantae 6:58 lumbricals 8:57 layer 3 9:26 flexor hallucis brevis 11:04 adductor hallucis 12:57 flexor digiti quinti/minimi 15:25 layer 4 15:57 plantar interossei 17:12 dorsal interossei

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