Jayden Johnson
Jayden Johnsonalmost 3 years ago

Which components are the heaviest components of the vertebrae?

Top rated comment
almost 3 years ago

The lumbar regions consist of 5 moveable vertebrae from L1-L5. The lumbar vertebrae are kidney-shaped and the largest vertebrae. Their vertical height is less than their horizontal diameter. The vertebral body is larger and wider horizontally than longitudinally with a triangular vertebral foramen. The front is thicker than the back. The upper lumbar laminae are taller instead of wider while the lower lumbar laminae are wider instead of taller. The size of the vertebral body increases from L1 to L5. The lumbar vertebral bodies are the heaviest components of the vertebrae and are connected by the intervertebral disc. The lumbar vertebral bodies are the heaviest because they are the weight-bearing structure of the vertebrae. L5 has the heaviest body, the smallest spinous process, and the thickest transverse process.

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