Tommy Jacobsover 2 years ago

What is the difference between the lumbar vertevbral bodies and the thoracic vertebral bodies?

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over 2 years ago

The spine is made of 33 vertebrae among which 24 are moveable. There are 5 moveable lumbar vertebrae from L1-L5. The lumbar vertebral bodies are kidney-shaped and large. The anterior is deeper than the posterior which produces a lumbosacral angle. The lumbosacral angle is the angle between the long axis of the lumbar region and sacrum. The vertebral foramen is triangular shaped. Typical features of lumbar vertebrae: • Transverse processes: long and slender • Articular processes: vertical facets • Spinous processes: short and broad • Accessory processes: on the posterior aspect of the base of each transverse process • Mammillary processes: on the posterior surface of each superior articular process The 5th Lumbar vertebrae have the largest vertebral body and transverse process because it is the weight-bearing component. The lumbar vertebrae do not have rib facets, unlike the thoracic vertebrae.

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