Abeer Fatima
Abeer Fatimaover 3 years ago
Pinta: A Rare Treponematous Infection

Pinta: A Rare Treponematous Infection

Pinta is a tropical, treponematous infection of the skin caused by treponema carateum. It is transmitted through direct contact. The disease progresses through 3 stages: 1. Early Phase Small, erythematous lesions appear on arms and legs. Other body parts may be involved. These lesions are often pruritic. Lymph nodes may be enlarged. 2. Intermediate Phase Development of pintids occurs in this phase. Pintids are scaly, erythematous lesions. These lesions may be dry or crusted; this is called psoriatic pintid. 3. Disseminated Phase Depigmentation of primary and secondary lesions occurs. The affected individual may be left with white scars. Reference: Image via:

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over 3 years ago

I feel like it has some similarities to Hansen's. Thanks so much for informing us of this rare infection. How does pinta presentation differ from yaws?

over 3 years ago


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