Maryum Mehboob
Maryum Mehboobabout 3 years ago
Cubital Fossa

Cubital Fossa

Cubital fossa is a triangle shaped area located between the arm and the forearm. It is made up of 3 boundaries with a roof and a floor: Lateral border: Brachioradialis muscle Medial border: Pronator teres Superior border: Imaginary horizontal line joining the two epicondyles. Roof: Aponeurosis, Fascia, Subcutaneous fat and skin. Floor: Brachialis muscle proximally and Supinator muscle distally. Contents of cubital fossa: The contents can be learned by using a simple pneumonic MBBR: M: Median nerve B: Brachial artery B: Biceps tendon R: Radial nerve Picture credit:

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