Sunnia Aslam
Sunnia Aslam6 months ago
Memorising liver segments using right hand

Memorising liver segments using right hand

We have a handy hand mnemonic for this purpose 1. Also, remember that the segments are numbered in a clock-wise fashion. With the right hand, make a fist while tucking the thumb behind the remainder of the fingers. Tucked in thumb = Segment I (Caudate Lobe) Line of Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) joints = Plane of portal vein, separating liver into upper and lower segments. Interdigitary spaces = Intersegmental planes (hepatic fissures – left, middle and right) in which corresponding hepatic veins run and divide liver sagitally For the remaining 7 segmets, go in a clockwise direction starting from the lateralmost upper left part, i.e. Proximal phalax of 1st finger. Proximal phalanx of 1st finger = Left superior lateral segment = Segment II Distal phalanx of 1st finger = Left inferior lateral segment = Segment III 2nd finger = Left medial segment = Segment IV (Quadrate lobe) Proximal phalanx = Segment IVa Distal phalanx = Segment IVb Distal phalanx of 3rd finger = Right inferior anterior segment = Segment V Distal phalanx of 4th finger = Right inferior posterior segment = Segment VI Proximal phalanx of 4th finger = Right superior posterior segment = Segment VII Proximal phalanx of 3rd finger = Right superior anterior segment = Segment VIII Information credits

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