Sota Adela
Sota Adelaalmost 7 years ago
Poor baby suffering in mysterious disease in china

Poor baby suffering in mysterious disease in china

What can be this mysterious disease

Top rated comment
almost 7 years ago

It’s not a mysterious disease, this is a very severe case of Harlequin ichthyosis, a skin disease in which there is an abnormal thinking of the skin which cracks into diamond-shaped pieces. The skin is too tight around the eye and mouth which causes the eyelids to turn inside-out. This disease has currently no cure, but with supportive care these children can survive.

almost 7 years ago

Oh poor baby should be on pain management. The cries indicate baby is in so much pain.

almost 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing this information with me 😊😊😊

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almost 7 years ago

Ichthyosis harlequin disease

almost 7 years ago

Harlequin ichthyosis

almost 7 years ago

Why isn’t this baby receiving any sort of treatment like iv pain meds, or a sedative. He looks as though he is in a tremendous amount of pain. Is he???

almost 7 years ago

Harlequin ichthyosis... Very rare disease

almost 7 years ago

Harlequin itchyosis

almost 7 years ago

It's not mysterious, it's a rare disease called Harlequin Ichthyosis, the skin is thicker than normal and is extremely painful

almost 7 years ago


almost 7 years ago

It's not mysterious, it's called harlequin ichthyosis

almost 7 years ago

Its the thickening of stratum corneum.. Due to which there is also respiratory distress n the child lives for 2-3days

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