Bhawnaover 5 years ago
Toothpick in liver

Toothpick in liver

A 45-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department for recurrent episodes of epigastric pain associated with fever (38.9°C), nausea, vomiting and hypotension. She was on parenteral broad-spectrum antibiotic for suspected intra-abdominal infection. A contrast CT of abdomen confirmed the presence of an elongated structure across the left lateral hepatic segments with abscess in the cavity. The patient was scheduled for an elective exploratory laparoscopy and possible extraction of the foreign body. At the time of surgery, she was found to have inflammation and adhesions between the omentum and the gallbladder. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed. After the 6 months from her surgery, the patient continues to feel well and she denies the recurrence of any of her pre-operative symptoms.

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

I mean how she traumatized without sensing!

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over 5 years ago

How does it happen?

over 5 years ago

it penetrated through GIT wall and then migrated towards the liver as it was having sharp end and then cause abscess there.

over 5 years ago

explanation of how this happened?

over 5 years ago

it penetrated through GIT wall as it was having the sharp end so it migrated towards the liver

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