Fatma R. Badr
Fatma R. Badrover 4 years ago
Central retinal artery occlusion

Central retinal artery occlusion

64-year-old woman watching TV when she noticed that her vision had becom dim in her left eye. She felt well otherwise and had no pain. She came to emergency room. Vision was limited to light perception in the left eye but right eye was 6/9.There was a left afferent pupillay defect. The Fundus of the left eye showed narrow vessels, pale retina, macula showed a (cherry red spot) It was a case of CRAO which is sudden unilateral painless loss of vision. Death of the inner half of the retina supplied by CRA occurs in 5-10 minutes and it's irreversible. Treatment was done immediately to lower the intraocular pressure and dilate the artery by: -ocular massage -IV Acetazolamide -Anterior chamber paracentesis -IV streptokinase prognosis is very poor

Top rated comment
over 4 years ago

I could see the paleness, but it's hard to tell that the vessels are narrow. Any pointers?

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