ravi jyran
ravi jyranabout 5 years ago
Skin lesion

Skin lesion

Different type of skin lesions. Primary lesions Bulla-a vesicle (see definition below) greater than 5 mm in diameter Cyst-an elevated, circumscribed area of the skin filled with liquid Macule-a flat, circumscribed area; can be brown, red, white, or tan Nodule-an elevated, firm, circumscribed, and palpable area greater than 5 mm in diameter; can involve all skin layers Papule-an elevated, palpable, firm, circumscribed area generally less than 5 mm in diameter Plaque-an elevated, flat-topped, firm, rough, superficial papule greater than 2 cm in diameter; papules can coalesce to form plaques Pustule-an elevated, superficial area that is similar to a vesicle but filled with pus or semisolid fluid Vesicle-an elevated, circumscribed, superficial, fluid- filled blister less than 5 mm in diameter Wheal-an elevated, irregularly shaped area of cutaneous edema; wheals are solid, transient, and changeable, with a variable diameter; can be red, pale pink, or white. Secondary lesions Crust-a slightly elevated area of variable size; consists of dried serum, blood, Excoriation-linear scratches that may or may not be denuded purulent exudate or Lichenification-rough, thickened epidermis; accentuated skin markings caused by rubbing or scratching (eg, chronic eczema and lichen simplex) Scale-heaped-up keratinized cells; flakey exfoliation; irregular; thick or thin; dry or oily; variable size; can be white or tan.

Top rated comment
about 5 years ago

It’s useful to know!

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