Carla Urdanetaabout 5 years ago

hello! my name is carla, i’m 14 and currently ending my freshman year in high school. my dream is to pursue a medical career as a surgeon, especially interested in neurosurgery. throughout my first year of high school, i knew my grades could be much better than they are now, but i had no motivation until i recently discovered my interest in becoming a med student. now i am focusing on improving my grades as much as possible for the rest of the school year. although i’ve been doing my best to get things back on track, i still feel like my past grades are going to stop me from getting into a good medical school (i don’t have any F’s, but my grades could still be a lot better). i still have 3 more years of high school, and i know i’ll work hard and get better grades. but will my freshman year grades stop me from pursuing my dream?

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about 5 years ago

High School grades will only be important in determining which University acceptance. Your grades in Uni plus MCAT and extra-curriculars will determine med school acceptance. I suggest volunteering at a hospital now as it is good exposure to the world of medicine. Also if possible choose a hospital area that is bloody (i.e. the ER). If you cannot stomach the sight of blood then medicine is not in your future.

about 5 years ago

thank you so much! so, if i would have to go to university first, and then think about applying for medical school?

about 5 years ago

You are 14 years old, medical schools don't look at your marks. The important thing is to develope good work and study habits, going forward. What you start doing now will pave the way for success.

about 5 years ago

Carla you have to have at least 3 years of University before being able to apply to Med School. Of course you will have to take the pre-med courses plus meet all the other criteria before being able to apply. That does not mean you will get in though. I had close to 10 years of volunteer experience, participated in a scientific medical study, and took all the courses yet I still did not make it.

about 5 years ago

Your primary focus should be that upon entering the premed program build up reputation and volunteer in the medical field as much as possible. Whether it is shadowing,building up your resume to apply for Medical School is critical. Although certainly AAMC does look at your MCAT scores they'll look beyond that (meaning they will choose students that will have the integrity and determination to finish their medical program). Since your still in high school, focus more on stabilizing and getting proficient in studying. Premed program is quite challenging but its suppose to be because it prepares you to be the next step of a Student Physician. (i volunteered as a Emergency Department Medical Scribe so that i would stand out amongst other students on my medical application and Letters of Recommendation).

about 5 years ago

thank you so much, i will definitely work on my studying.

almost 5 years ago

Hi! I'm in the same boat as you

almost 5 years ago

glad to know i’m not alone! you should read some of these comments, they’re really helpful :)

almost 5 years ago

If it helps, my highschool grades had no As and i still made it, currently in 4th year of med school. Hard work never goes to waste. Keep working hard to improve ur grades now and work on MCAT, u’ll make it thru.

almost 5 years ago

Hello, I am also an aspiring neurosurgeon, just starting high school! So nice to talk with others in the same boat as me! I am hoping to keep up good grades and improve some and become the best doctor I can! Hopefully you'll do better, good luck!

over 3 years ago

Hi I am commenting this on lots of comments but I also would like to be a surgeon and am starting to learn basic anatomy right now does anyone want to talk with me so we can learn together because they would make it more fun and probably easier

almost 5 years ago

No medical school will look at high school

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