Muradover 5 years ago
After   drink  acetic acid

After drink acetic acid

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over 5 years ago

I think because of injury in blood capillaries of vessels

over 5 years ago

What are you hear about haemoliz of red blood cells?

over 5 years ago

is this haematouria due to hemolysis of the RBCs ??

over 5 years ago

there are many reasons for hematouria but may he has inhirted bleeding disorder

over 5 years ago

i study blood disorder nowadays so i found this case good for me to know its pathgenesis

over 5 years ago

Hi Lolla I am wright about acetic asid☺

over 5 years ago

is he use acitic acid as medication or its poisining

over 5 years ago

As poisoning...50% man drink it like it cuisid

over 5 years ago

Haematuria. But why did he drink acetic acid?

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