Medicogramabout 6 years ago
Gallbladder full of stones

Gallbladder full of stones

This is a gallbladder full of stones! This condition is known as Cholelithiasis (Presence of stones in the gallbladder). Cholesterol gall stones: Gallstones are the stones that form in the gallbladder or bile ducts. The common types of gallstones are cholesterol stones, black pigment and brown pigment. Cholesterol gallstones occur more frequently in female gender as compared to male. Types: Black pigment gallstones occur when there is increased destruction of red blood cells, while brown pigment gallstones occur when there is reduced flow and infection of bile duct. Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, obesity, elevated blood triglyceride levels, clay coloured stools, dark urine and Crohn's disease are common symptoms. Cause: It is not known exactly, what causes gallstones. Diagnosis: Gall stones are diagnosed as follows; Ultrasound, abdominal CT scan, Gallbladder radionuclide scan, blood test etc. Treatment: Most of the time, you won’t need treatment for gallstones unless they cause you pain. Sometimes you can pass gallstones without even noticing. If you’re in pain, your doctor will likely recommend surgery. In rare cases, medication may be used.

Top rated comment
about 6 years ago

This is beautiful as well as concerning

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about 6 years ago


about 6 years ago

Those stones are wow

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