Eminn8 months ago
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome

Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome

This case was sent by a follower of the page Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome is primarily an eye disorder, although it can also affect other parts of the body.This condition is characterized by abnormalities of the front part of the eye, an area known as the anterior segment People with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome often have a pupil that is off-center (corectopia) or extra holes in the iris that can look like multiplepupils (polycoria) This condition can also cause abnormalities of the cornea About half of affected individuals develop glaucoma When glaucoma occurs with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, it most often develops in late childhood adolescence, although it can occur as early as infancyThe signs and symptoms of Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome can also affect other parts of the body.Many affected individuals have distinctive facial features such as widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism);flattened mid-face with a broad, flat nasal bridge a prominent forehead.The condition is also associated with dental abnormalities including unusually small teeth (microdontia) or fewer than normal teeth (oligodontia).Some people with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome have extra folds of skin around their belly button (redundant periumbilical skin).Other, less common features can include heart defects, the opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis (hypospadias), narrowing of the anus (anal stenosis), and abnormalities of the pituitary gland that can result in slow growth Researchers have described atleast three types of Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome.

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