Iqraabout 20 hours ago
Renal Failure, Chronic Kidney Disease l End Stage Renal Disease for Nursing Exams, NCLEX RN & LPN

Renal Failure, Chronic Kidney Disease l End Stage Renal Disease for Nursing Exams, NCLEX RN & LPN

Head to SimpleNursing’s OFFICIAL website here: SimpleNursing memberships have 1,200+ animated videos, 900+ colorful study guides, 3,000+ practice questions, and more! See why SimpleNursing is trusted by over 1,000,000 nursing students. Today’s video is all about end stage renal disease pathophysiology for Nursing Students and NCLEX Review. The kidneys are responsible for removing wastes from our bodies that are found in urine, which includes creatinine. End stage renal disease occurs when a patient experiences a complete or partial loss of kidney function. We’re putting together these concepts covering end stage renal disease pathophysiology and the stages of chronic kidney disease. #ChronicRenalfailure #CKD #ESRD

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