Zunaira saleh
Zunaira saleh1 day ago
Tooth and dental implant

Tooth and dental implant

Schematic illustration of hard and soft tissue around a tooth and an implant. (A) Hard and soft tissue anatomy around a natural tooth demonstrates bone support with a periodontal ligament, a connective tissue zone above the crest of bone with connective tissue fibers (Sharpey’s) inserting into dentin, a long junctional epithelial attachment, a gingival sulcus lined with sulcular epithelium, and oral gingival epithelium (outer surface of gingiva). (B) Hard and soft tissue anatomy around an implant demonstrates some similarities and some distinct differences. There is supporting bone in direct approximation to the implant surface without any intervening soft tissues (i.e., no periodontal ligament). A connective tissue zone is present above the level of bone with fibers running parallel to the implant surface and no inserting f ibers. There is a long junctional epithelial attachment, a gingival or mucosal sulcus lined with sulcular epithelium, and oral gingival or mucosal epithelium (outer surface of soft tissue). (From Rose LF, Mealey BL. Periodontics: Medicine, Surgery, and Implants. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004.)

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