Iqraabout 1 year ago
Symptoms of abscess

Symptoms of abscess

An abscess under your skin is easy to see. It may appear red, raised and swollen. The skin over the center of the abscess may be thin. It may look yellow or white because there’s pus underneath the surface of your skin. The abscess may feel tender and warm to the touch. Other symptoms of a skin abscess include pain, fever and chills. An abscess in your mouth may cause a severe toothache. A gum abscess looks like swelling on your gums. Sometimes your jaw, floor of your mouth or cheeks may swell as well. Other symptoms of mouth abscesses include: Teeth sensitivity. Fever. Difficulty swallowing. Difficulty opening your mouth. For deeper skin abscesses or those inside your body, symptoms aren’t as obvious. Some symptoms relate to the part of your body that’s affected. You may experience: Fatigue. Pain and tenderness. Fever. Chills. Excessive sweating. Loss of appetite. Weight loss.

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