Iqraabout 1 year ago
How to treat allagile syndrome

How to treat allagile syndrome

Treatment for Alagille syndrome is symptomatic since there is no cure for the condition. Treatment could include: Taking vitamins A, D, E and K. Drinking formula with medium-chain triglycerides for better nutrient absorption among infants. Receiving nutrients from a feeding tube in your stomach (gastrostomy tube) or a tube in your nose to your stomach (nasogastric tube). Taking medicine to treat liver disease (ursodeoxycholic acid). Taking medicine to treat symptoms of itching (antihistamines, cholestyramine, naltrexone and rifampin) and using moisturizers or lotions. Surgery to redirect bile between the liver and gastrointestinal tract (partial biliary diversion). Surgery to treat symptoms that affect the heart, blood vessels and kidney.

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