Iqraalmost 2 years ago
How common is anorexia nervosa?

How common is anorexia nervosa?

Despite being an uncommon condition, anorexia is the leading cause of mental health-related deaths. Anorexia can affect anyone – it’s more common in girls and women, with 1 in 100 women affected over the course of their lifetime. For men and boys, anorexia affects approximately 1 in 350 men over the course of their lifetime, and experts advise that it’s becoming more common. Symptoms of anorexia usually first develop during the teenage years, on average at the age of 15, but it can develop at any time, including in childhood. The cause of anorexia is unknown, but most experts believe the condition results from a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors. Read more about the causes of anorexia The long-term malnutrition associated with anorexia can cause a range of serious complications, such as: osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) kidney disease heart failure infertility

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