Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatabout 2 years ago
Centaurus Variant of Corona Virus!

Centaurus Variant of Corona Virus!

Nicknamed ‘Centaurus,’ another strain of the highly contagious Omicron variant of the Coronavirus has been gaining strongholds around the world at a frightening pace.⁠ ⁠ So far, over a dozen countries including the UK, US, Australia, Germany, and Canada have confirmed cases of Centaurus. For those wondering about its origin, Centaurus was first detected in India in May this year.⁠ ⁠ Although its scientific name is BA.2.75, it got its nickname after a Twitter user nicknamed it “Centaurus.” It must be noted here that the World Health Organization (WHO) has not given any official name to Centaurus.⁠ ⁠ As has been the case with all strains of the Omicron variant, each strain of the Omicron variant appears to be more contagious than its predecessors. Likewise, virologists have also raised concerns about BA.2.75.⁠ ⁠ By:

Top rated comment
about 2 years ago

What are the symptoms of Centaurus

about 2 years ago

The symptoms of Centaurus are thought to be similar to previous Omicron variants. A high temperature or shivering (chills) A new, continuous cough A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste Shortness of breath Feeling tired or exhausted An aching body A headache A sore throat A blocked or runny nose Loss of appetite Diarrhoea

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