Hunainalmost 2 years ago


Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat — one tonsil on each side. Signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include swollen tonsils, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and tender lymph nodes on the sides of the neck. Tonsillitis can occur at any age and is a common childhood illness. Doctors most often diagnose it in children from preschool age through their mid-teens. Symptoms include a sore throat, swollen tonsils, and fever. The pathogens that trigger tonsillitis can pass to others, and a variety of common viruses and bacteria can cause it. Tonsillitis-causing microorganisms include Streptococcal bacteria. Tonsillitis caused by strep throat can lead to serious complications without treatment. Tonsillitis is easy to diagnose. Symptoms usually resolve within 7 to 10 days. Tonsillitis symptoms usually come on suddenly. They may include: Sore or scratchy throat. Pain or difficulty swallowing. Red, swollen tonsils and throat. Whitish spots on your tonsils — or a white, yellow or gray coating on your tonsils. Fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius). Swollen lymph nodes (glands on the sides of your neck below your ears). Stomachache or vomiting (more common in younger children). Tonsillitis can be viral or bacterial: Viral tonsillitis: Viruses like colds and flus (influenza) cause up to 70% of tonsillitis cases. Bacterial tonsillitis (strep throat): Bacteria, such as group A streptococcus, cause other cases of tonsillitis. Bacterial tonsillitis is commonly called strep throat. People without tonsils can still get strep throat.

Top rated comment
over 1 year ago

What is treatment line??

over 1 year ago

In case of Bacterial infection it will be treated by Antibiotics. in viral no need to give antibiotics.

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