Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatover 2 years ago
Lingual nerve

Lingual nerve

The proximity of the lingual nerve to the mandibular third molar region is a concern when performing flap surgery. In a study by Chan et al 2010, the vertical distance was 9.6, 13, and 14.8 mm at the second molar, first molar and second premolar, respectively. About 75% of the time, the nerve turned toward the tongue at the first and second molar region. Other studies have shown that on average, the nerve is located 3mm apical to the osseous crest and 2mm horizontally from the lingual cortical plate in the third molar area. 22% of the time, the lingual nerve can actually contact the lingual cortical plate. What are some of the measures you take in order to protect the lingual nerve during surgery?

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