Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatover 2 years ago
Esophageal Intubation

Esophageal Intubation

No. 1 arrowhead shows air in esophagus and endotracheal tube in esophagus. No. 2 arrow is showing air in stomach which. Is massively dilated. This dilated stomach is pushing other organs so there is no splenic shadow visible on this xray. This is not a case of TGA because yea it looks like cardiomegaly but there are no prominent bronchovascular markings so it's not a typical egg on string appearance. About pericardial effusion, yes pericardial effusion can be present and money bag sign is seen on this xray but this prominent cardiomegaly is more due to pushing of heart by the gas in stomach, and xray taken in AP view which usually shows apparent cardiomegaly, but yea pericardial effusion can't be ruled out. . So the final diagnosis is esophageal intubation. By:

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