Hunain9 months ago
Plummer Vinson Syndrome

Plummer Vinson Syndrome

A disorder marked by anemia caused by iron deficiency, and a web-like growth of membranes in the throat that makes swallowing difficult. Having Plummer-Vinson syndrome may increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Also called Paterson-Kelly syndrome and sideropenic dysphagia. Plummer-Vinson syndrome classically presents as a triad of iron-deficiency anemia, postcricoid dysphagia, and upper esophageal webs. [2] Long-standing iron deficiency anemia can present as dyspnea or difficulty breathing, tachycardia, weakness, pallor, and koilonychia or spoon nails. The cause of Plummer-Vinson syndrome is unknown. Genetic factors and a lack of certain nutrients (nutritional deficiencies) may play a role. It is a rare disorder that can be linked to cancers of the esophagus and throat. It is more common in women

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