It is legal in Canada and personally I support those that choose it. Never judge those who choose this way of ending their lives with is easy to judge when you are not the person suffering
If you will die in a matter of minutes or hours, there is no reason for someone to prolong the pain and suffering. It will not only hurt the patient but also people who are close to the patient to watch their loved ones wheeze, cry, plead, beg, suffer in their last moments. People argue that it’s murder, but it’s a fallacious argument to say it’s murder when often they themselves want to be freed of pain or suffering. These people know they will die anyway, and saying that they have to suffer more than they should is cruel. Finally, it allows a few last moments of dignity. You can control when you want to die or at least know when the time of death has arrived. Unless the patient is willing to undergo ordeal, euthanasia should be legal.
That is one of those grey areas that we really can’t know until the time comes. But I do know that insurance companies don’t care about patients and will pull the plug on expensive life support. I wonder what an ethics board would say?
If the patient is suffering and can give consent to die then I understand but what about the patients who are paralysed but aware of their surrounding but are not able to give any consent for their willingness to such times the relatives or family decide to euthanize...isn't that wrong?
Dyu that's why its important to have a living will so family know your wishes and how you feel and differentiate between euthanasia and withdrawing care
I think between suicides and euthanasia and withdrawn care are very difficult to recognize and it's really related to the past pleasure conditions of victims