Nada Al-Dailami
Nada Al-Dailamiabout 6 years ago


What cardiac manifastations are expected in this pt.who c/o abd.pain,diarrhea& s.o.b?

Top rated comment
about 6 years ago

The true answer is : Dx is carsinoid tumor , associated with Tricuspid valve regurgitation, stenosis and pulmonary valve stenosis.

about 6 years ago

Clinical features of neuro-endocrine tumours smaII-bowel obstruction due to the tumour mass Intestinal ischaemia (due to mesenteric infiltration or vasospasm) Hepatic metastases causing pain, hepatomegaly and jaundice Flushing and wheezing Diarrhoea Cardiac involvement (tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular endocardial plaques) leading to heart failure Facial telangiectasia 'the diagnosis is made by detecting excess levels of the 5-HT metabolite, 5-HIAA, in a 24-hr urine collection and by raised serum chromogranin A levels,

about 6 years ago

How did we understand this?

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about 6 years ago


about 6 years ago


about 6 years ago

mitral insufficiency?

about 6 years ago

S.o.b.means ?

about 6 years ago

Shortness of breathe

about 6 years ago

Thanks for all.

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