Mohammedover 5 years ago

Carbohydrates are digested in ...? A)-Mouth B)-Stomach C)-Liver D)-Intestine

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

Carbohydrates digested by amylases that present in the mouth and the duodenum which is small intestine, in the stomach only proteins are digested by pepsin

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over 5 years ago

Mouth and stomach..?

over 5 years ago

Mouth and intestinum, by amylases producted in salivary ghiandles and pancreas. but, if We want, Also in stomach, because amylases aren't immediatly inattivated by the acid pH

over 5 years ago

I think mouth.. lipids are digested in stomach.. thats why you feel the suger in your mouth when you eat sth

over 5 years ago

A. & D option i.e Mouth and duodenum(small intestine).

over 5 years ago


about 5 years ago

In the mouth with mechanical action of chewing nd chemical action of salivary amylase

about 5 years ago

Mouth and small intestine - amylase in the mouth, lactase, sucrase, maltase etc in small intestine. Also digestion includes mechanical breakdown which also occurs in the stomach...

about 5 years ago


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