Laure over 5 years ago

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? What is the oldest medical student that you have seen? How old is...too old?

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

I’ve seen them in there late 30s early 40s. I’d say just make sure you have time to graduate, complete residency, and pay off the debt, with a few years extra to make retirement money. And MAKE SURE it’s what you really want, it’s a huge commitment and will really impact your family. Good luck!

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over 5 years ago

Do not make that mistake. You can graduate medschool, after??? If you want to educate; go economics, intenational affairs, public relations etc..

over 5 years ago

Why would it be a mistake? Time? I am an RN. Could you please elaborate? Thanks...really seeking honest input

over 5 years ago

The oldest in my class is 40 years old. If you know why you are doing it and are willing to give everything for it, keep going. It will challenge you definitely. But if you like challenges, go! Definitely you'll grow. Good luck.

about 5 years ago


over 5 years ago

And it needs patience, because it takes you a very long time.

over 5 years ago

41 years

over 5 years ago

What is RN

over 5 years ago

RN is a registered nurse. Thanks everyone for your comments

over 5 years ago


over 5 years ago

Being a doctor is not a graduate from medschool. A doctor continues to educate after the school and it never ends. So you can finish the medschool at 45 maybe 50. But you can’t specialize in any disciplin. I hope I could explain my opinion?

over 5 years ago

You explained it very well - thank you

over 5 years ago

42yrs and she was successful I don’t see the age as a challenge while u have motivation and time to study good luck 👍

over 5 years ago

You are a good simple lol

over 5 years ago

What Saeed?


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