What are the CDC criteria to guide evaluation and testing of patients under investigation for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
CDC criteria to guide evaluation and testing of patients under investigation for COVID-19 infection • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized conducting diagnostic tests available in clinical laboratories. • Clinicians should co-operate with local and state health departments to conduct diagnostic tests. • The admission of a patient must be based on clinical judgment based on signs and symptoms. • Most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection include fever, shortness of breath and cough. • Individuals who are at highest risk of contracting COVID-19 infection are those with respiratory illnesses. • Patient groups in whom COVID-19 testing may be prioritized are: - High risk patients with relevant symptoms e.g. old age group, patients with respiratory illness - Symptomatic patients who had close contact with a patient of COVID-19 - Symptomatic patients with 14 days prior travel history of affected geographic areas - Hospitalized patients with relevant signs and symptoms • Patients with mild symptoms must isolate themselves and contact clinician via phone • Patients with severe symptoms must be provided adequate medical attention