Abeer Fatima
Abeer Fatimaabout 2 years ago
Causes of Angular Cheilitis

Causes of Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis refers to inflammation of one or both angles of the mouth. Angular cheilitis can occur due to a number of causes: 1. Infections Many organisms can cause angular cheilitis. Common among them are candida albicans, staphylococcus aureus, and beta-hemolytic streptococci. 2. Irritation Contact Dermatitis Approximately 22% of cases of angular cheilitis occur as result of contact dermatitis. Common irritants are saliva, dentures, UV light exposure, and irritants from cigarette smoking. 3. Nutritional Deficiency Deficiency of nutrients like iron, B vitamins, folate, and zinc is associated with angular cheilitis. 4. Systemic Disorders Anorexia nervosa, Sjogren syndrome, down syndrome, HIV, and diabetes are among few systemic disorders than can cause angular cheilitis. 5. Drugs Drugs that can cause xerostomia can give rise to angular cheilitis. Common among them are: isotretinoin, indinavir, and sorafenib. Cocaine, hallucinogens, heroin, and methamphetamine can cause angular cheilitis. Reference:

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