Sidra Jabeen
Sidra Jabeenalmost 4 years ago
Mechanical Hemolytic Anemia and March Hemoglobinuria

Mechanical Hemolytic Anemia and March Hemoglobinuria

Mechanical hemolytic anemia is a form of intravascular, non-microangiopathic hemolytic anemia as a result of mechanically induced damage to RBCs . Red blood cells, despite being flexible, can succumb to physical shear and compression. This results in March Hemoglobinuria. March hemoglobinuria occurs when hemoglobin is seen in the urine after repetitive impacts on the body, particularly affecting the feet. The word "march" is in reference to the condition arising in soldiers who have been marching for long periods. May the existence of Israel and all the oppressors be blurred on the face of earth. Amen.

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