Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatalmost 4 years ago


Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumors which begins in the bone forming cells.It typically occurs in young patients with 75% taking place before the age of 20 as the growth centers of the bone are more active during puberty. LOCATION: Osteosarcoma is most often found at the metadiaphysis of long bones in the appendicular skeleton but it can start in any bone. In very rare instances, it occurs in soft tissue outside the bone. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: Patients often present with pain in long bones , occasionally accompanied by a soft-tissue mass or swelling. At times, the first symptoms are related to pathologic fracture. TREATMENT: Treatment usually involves chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Doctors select treatment options based on where the osteosarcoma starts, the size of the cancer, the type and grade of the osteosarcoma, and whether the cancer has spread beyond the bone. Credits:

Top rated comment
almost 4 years ago

Why has bone become like this?

almost 4 years ago

Yes, thanks 🙏🌺

almost 4 years ago

It shows medullary and cortical bone destruction alongwith wide zone of transition or moth-eaten appearance. Moreover, the radiograph shows ossification of soft tissue component.

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almost 4 years ago

Are you Lebanese?

almost 4 years ago

Excellent, I'm glad to meet you🌱

almost 4 years ago

No I am Pakistani.

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