Fiza Shan
Fiza Shanover 1 year ago
Walking Corpse Syndrome- Cotard's Delusion

Walking Corpse Syndrome- Cotard's Delusion

Cotard's delusion is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by having extreme delusions like denial of one's existence, considering oneself dying or dead. Patients may believe that their body parts do not exist or they have lost their internal organs and may progress to the extent of having delusions of immortality. Cotard's delusion is considered a symptom of an underlying disease rather than being a disease on its own. This has been found associated with severe depression and it can be a symptom of other conditions which affect the brain like brain damage or other mental illnesses like schizophrenia etc. Patients suffer from self starvation because of self negation and catatonia due to denial of their capability to move or speak. This condition is usually a diagnosis of exclusion and can be corrected by treating the underlying disease. Medications may include anti-depressants, anti-anxiety or antipsychotics. Therapies may include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) might be used as a last resort. This condition is extremely rare and only about 200 cases have been reported world wide. Image via:

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