1. Bird facies (Pierre Robin Malformation) Small lower jaw, a slit like hole in the palate of mouth (called cleft palate) and the tongue appear to fall into the throat (condition called as retroglossoptosis). 2. Chipmunk facies ( Untreated β Thalassemia major, Bullimia nervosa, Parotid swelling) Expanded globular maxillae, with BM hyperexpansion into facial bones, combined with prominent epicanthal folds. 3. Leonine facies (Lepromatous Leprosy) Peculiar, deeply furrowed, lionlike appearance of the face. 4. Adenoid facies (Adenoid hypertrophy) Long, open-mouthed, dumb-looking face of children. 5. Torpid or Myxedematous facies (Myxedema) Skin generally thickened, alopecia, periorbital oedema, xanthelasma, coolness and dryness of skin and hair, thinning of scalp hair, tongue swelling. 6. Mask like or Parkinsonian facies (Parkinsonism) Mask-like, tremor of head, absence of blinking, dribbling of saliva, weakness of upward gaze, vacant look, seborrhoea and sweatiness. 7. Acromegalic facies (Acromegaly) Large supraorbital ridge and frontal bossing, thickened lips, enlarge tongue, lower jaw firm and square (protruding jaw = prognathism). 8. Cushingoid facies (Cushing syndrome) A rounded face with a double chin, prominent flushed cheeks, and fat deposits in the temporal fossa and cheeks. 9. Gargoyle facies (Hurler syndrome) Head is large and dolichocephalic, with frontal bossing and prominent sagittal and metopic sutures, with mid-face hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, flared nares, and a prominent lower 1⁄3 of face, thickened facies, widely spaced teeth and attenuated dental enamel, gingival hyperplasia.