robin mangoabout 4 years ago

I want to become a pediatrician or EMS, but I’m still in highschool. Any tips on continuing to learn about general medicine and how I can advance untill college?

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about 4 years ago

By watching surgeries in YouTube and diagnosing the case and studying bout it gives a deadly sense of the case and other aspects

about 4 years ago

Moreover by studying different sectors of Medicine through the internet will definitely help you in upcoming years of your education

almost 3 years ago

Yo, EMT-B here. The “Anatomy Bible” is a great way to begin learning about the human anatomy; it’s quick to read, informative, and the author isn’t a bot and knows how to keep the reader intrigued. For entering college and going into your field, you’ve gotta ask yourself why you’re going into that field and what emotional connection you have to it. And lastly, begin early!! Depending on where you are, you can graduate highschool early and begin your career; the earlier you begin the more information you will retain. Best of luck!

almost 3 years ago

EMT-B here a good start is a junior EMT program. I took it and learned all I needed to know so after you turn 18 you can immediately take NREMT. Become EMT fastest route.

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