Medicalcortexalmost 7 years ago

We dont have a free will!! In a kind of spooky experiment, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences reveal that our decisions are made seconds before we become aware of them. In the study, participants could freely decide if they wanted to press a button with their right or left hand. The only condition was that they had to remember when they made the decision to either use their right hand or left hand. Using fMRI, researchers would scan the brains of the participants while all of this was going on in order to find out if they could in fact predict which hand the participants would use BEFORE they were consciously aware of the decision. @medicalcortex #medstudent #nurse #doctor #neuroscience #brain #fmri #neurology #surgery #neurosurgery #f4f #l4l #premed #usmle #freewill #science #biology

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