Dr. Jiya
Dr. Jiyaabout 6 years ago

FOR YOURSELF, MEDICINE STUDENT... Remember that you’re not defined by a number. You are defined by what you have overcome and what you’re enduring. A grade is not important,if you have not learned for your patients. You’ll treat people,not exams. Learn for them and study for them. They need the best out of you. When and if you’re tired, you’re allowed to take a break, whether it be at 10 pm when you don’t want to open that cardiology book,at 2 pm when class was difficult to understand or at 4am when you’re running tests on a patient. Take a moment to breathe, and go back to giving your all.. DON’T compare yourself to others people or students, you are you and you are amazing 😉. Don’t diminish all that you do and all that you have done,because I have seen you work hard. Your only competition is yourself, you’re working hard to become a better you... Remember the reason why you choose this path and why you started in the first place. I risk to say that beyond choosing this carrier because of the great challenge that it implied, you choose medicine because of your desire to help another in need and your neverending fascinating with the human body and it’s art........................... CONTINUE WORKING SLOWLY BUT STEADILY, LOVE WHAT YOU DO. GIVE YOUR BEST ALWAYS 😊

Top rated comment
about 6 years ago

Fabulous advice. Grades are important but what you are learning is about the application of your knowledge to people. You are in a PRACTICE profession. Never forget it. Most of your patients could give a flip about your grades and where you went to school. They do care if you are competent, kind and include them in their treatment plan. Never forget it is their body.

about 6 years ago

Exactly 😊

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about 6 years ago

Thank you so much for this... helped a lot at the right time 😄

about 6 years ago

This is the best! 💝💪

about 6 years ago


about 6 years ago

Thank you 🙌🏼🌟💪🏼

about 6 years ago

Heartly 💓 amazing

about 6 years ago

This is very inspirational, reminding me not to give up. Thank you for this!💓

about 6 years ago

Good advice

about 6 years ago

Great words! Thank you🙌🏼

about 6 years ago

subhanallah.. look like you devote yourself for a great deed... May Allah bless you,sister... Aamiin...

about 6 years ago

allow me to copy paste.. maybe i need sometime... thankiya

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