Hi everyone! I am a senior in high school and I will be attending the University of South Carolina this fall as a Pre-Medical Exercise Science major. I have wanted to be a doctor since I was a little kid and am so passionate about becoming one, but I’m conflicted on what kind of doctor I should be. There are so many cool specialties that have both advantages and disadvantages. Any suggestions?
I think this shouldnt be a problem for you at the moment. You should focus more on the journey of being in medical school. You will have enough time to choose your specialty when the time comes. When you go through each specialty during your medical school-only then can you truely decide which one you want to major in. For now, focus on the medical school itself. Research on what it entails and start preparing your mind for it.
I agree. You will find your niche once you start your studies and find an area you are more passionate about than all the others.
I’m a sophomore in college under a biology pre-med tract. I know I want to be a doctor, but I haven’t narrowed down what kind yet either. Focus on your studies and your passion will come to you eventually!
When you go to med school, you will get an opportunity in each different area of medicine, your talents , your heart and your gifts will lead you to the right specialty