Faith Natasha Mfune
Faith Natasha Mfuneover 4 years ago

what causes a migrain headache?

Top rated comment
over 4 years ago

Migraine headache's etiopathogenesis is still unknown. However literature talks about a neurologic and a vascular origin. Vasoactive substrates, like NO, Endoteline, Ca2+ and more are responsible for vasodilatative action, which is perceived as pulsation during the attack. Congenital sensibilisation to endothelial factors seems to be a cause. Trigeminal roots are responsible for nociceptive informations transmitted to the Central Nervous System. Depression of these fibres are also related to this condition. Alcohol and caffeine, estrogenes variates the pathology.

over 4 years ago

thank u for the response Francesco

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over 4 years ago

Medical degrees

over 4 years ago

Trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee even tho I’m not doing it yet😂😂😂

over 4 years ago

بلغم کا غلبہ ہے

over 4 years ago

It can be cause by hydration?!

over 4 years ago

thank u for the response plz explain more about your answer.

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