Dr.Marcusover 6 years ago


📚📚📚Pemphigus vulgaris is a chronic autoimmune diseases of skin and mucous (type II hyperreaction). It may be caused in viral reactions or could be induced by drugs such as “Captopril” (anti-hypertensive).Pemphigus vulgaris has a bigger tendency between the elderly ladies.🔎🔎🔎Pemphigus vulgaris most commonly causes oral,buccal and palatinal BLISTERS(A blister is a small pocket of body fluid(lymph, serum, plasma, blood,or pus). Pemphigus vulgaris also includes cutaneous blisters beside Other mucousal surfaces such as conjunctiva, anus, vulva, pines and cervix.Dental treatment, mastication and trauma in oral cavity may leave painful bullous or erosive lesions behind.✅✅✅Diagnose: + Nikolsky’s sign, Biopsy and immunofluorescent microscopic examination (+ intracellular IgG antibody presentation )❎❎❎Differential Diagnosis: herpetic gingivostomatitis, erodive lichen planus, bullous pemphigoid ,stomatitis aphthosa and exudative erythema multiforme.💊💊💊Therapy: due lifelong persistence of nature of Pemphigus vulgaris most of therapy protocols are long term and maybe even lifelong. systemic corticosteroid treatment (Prednisone), Methotrexate, Cyclophosphamide can be suggested in case of Pemphigus vulgaris.———————————————————

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over 6 years ago


almost 6 years ago

Rituximab is also used for the non-responders to conventional therapy...

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