Bilal Hussain
Bilal Hussainabout 5 years ago

One baby on mother's milk , 2nd baby on bottle milk and 3rd baby on cow milk. Who has more chances of getting anemia?

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about 5 years ago

Mothers milk?

about 5 years ago

Bottle milk

about 5 years ago

Cow milk...because bottle milk is nothing but supplements that are fortified in most of case.

about 5 years ago

Mother's milk..iron deficiency anemia ...

about 5 years ago

I think it's 3rd baby on cow's milk.

about 5 years ago

The answer is cow milk

about 5 years ago

The mom.

about 5 years ago

Cow milk because some neonates have allergy to this type of formula and they will develop diarrhea after taking it so this will lead to malnutrition

almost 5 years ago

Baby on cows milk

almost 5 years ago

breastfed babies really are at higher risk for iron deficiency.Breast milk contains very little iron (~0.35 mg/liter).  The Institute of Medicine recommends that infants 6-12 months old get 11 mg of iron per day .

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