Dr Vijay Sharma
Dr Vijay Sharma over 4 years ago

. A 25-year-old G2 P1 woman is delivering at 42 weeks’ gestation. She is moderately obese, but the fetus appears clinically to be of about 4200 g weight. After a 4-hour first stage of labor, and a 2-hour second stage of labor, the fetal head delivers but is noted to be retracted back toward the patient’s introitus. The fetal shoulders do not deliver, even with maternal pushing.a) What is the diagnosis? b) Outline the steps you would take to deliver the shoulders c) What birth injuries can result from the delivery of the baby in this condition?

Top rated comment
over 4 years ago

Shoulder dystocia Drop the head of the bed and bring moms knees to her chest(mcroberts) Suprapubic pressure the help drop the anterior shoulder. Possible episiotomy if needed. Possible clavicle fracture, brachial plexus injury, ischemic injury to baby, death

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