Biolognikover 1 year ago
Amyloidosis of the kidney is a kidney disease that develops due to the deposition in them of a characteristic substance - amyloid.  Causes of kidney amyloidosis

 The main causes of the disease are: burdened heredity - familial amyloidosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, age-related changes, osteomyelitis, primary amyloidosis, which occurs without cause;  oncological diseases.

 Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis

 The patient has a general weakness, fatigue, headache, the appearance of edema in the legs, arms, face;  there is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, heart rate is disturbed, the size of the liver and spleen increase significantly, there are pain in the muscles and joints.  Depending on the form of amyloidosis and the cause of its cause, the degree of symptomatic manifestations may vary.


 Kidney amyloidosis: causes of the disease, main symptoms, treatment and prevention


 Causes of kidney amyloidosis Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis Diagnosis of kidney amyloidosis Treatment of kidney amyloidosis Prevention of kidney amyloidosis

 Kidney disease develops due to the deposition of a characteristic substance in them - amyloid.

 Causes of kidney amyloidosis

 The main causes of the disease are: burdened heredity - familial amyloidosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, age-related changes, osteomyelitis, primary amyloidosis, which occurs without cause;  oncological diseases.

 Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis

 The patient has a general weakness, fatigue, headache, the appearance of edema in the legs, arms, face;  there is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, heart rate is disturbed, the size of the liver and spleen increase significantly, there are pain in the muscles and joints.  Depending on the form of amyloidosis and the cause of its cause, the degree of symptomatic manifestations may vary.


 How to properly prevent kidney disease

 Diagnosis of kidney amyloidosis

 The analysis of the medical history of the disease, anamnesis of life, the collection of patient complaints.  A general analysis of blood and urine, biochemical analysis of blood, if necessary, a biopsy of the kidneys, genetic analysis.  Informational method is computed tomography of the kidneys.  Consultation of the nephrologist is necessary.

 Treatment of kidney amyloidosis

 Specific methods of therapy have not been developed, since the mechanism of the development of the disease is not completely clear.  Patients should be treated for the underlying disease, which led to the development of amyloidosis, eat regularly and fractionally, more easily, for absorption by the body, food.  Acceptance of diuretic drugs, anabolic steroids (Nerobol, Methandrostenolone, Dianabol).  If necessary, the "artificial kidney" method is used; in more severe cases, a kidney transplant may be needed.

 Possible complications: chronic renal failure, there is a risk of death.

 Prevention of kidney amyloidosis

 It is necessary to ensure timely treatment of such diseases as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, as well as other serious and dangerous diseases.  Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat fully, exercise regularly.  It should stop smoking, alcohol, drugs.  Exclude uncontrolled medication.

Amyloidosis of the kidney is a kidney disease that develops due to the deposition in them of a characteristic substance - amyloid. Causes of kidney amyloidosis The main causes of the disease are: burdened heredity - familial amyloidosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, age-related changes, osteomyelitis, primary amyloidosis, which occurs without cause; oncological diseases. Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis The patient has a general weakness, fatigue, headache, the appearance of edema in the legs, arms, face; there is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, heart rate is disturbed, the size of the liver and spleen increase significantly, there are pain in the muscles and joints. Depending on the form of amyloidosis and the cause of its cause, the degree of symptomatic manifestations may vary. DISEASES Kidney amyloidosis: causes of the disease, main symptoms, treatment and prevention  Causes of kidney amyloidosis Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis Diagnosis of kidney amyloidosis Treatment of kidney amyloidosis Prevention of kidney amyloidosis Kidney disease develops due to the deposition of a characteristic substance in them - amyloid. Causes of kidney amyloidosis The main causes of the disease are: burdened heredity - familial amyloidosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, age-related changes, osteomyelitis, primary amyloidosis, which occurs without cause; oncological diseases. Symptoms of kidney amyloidosis The patient has a general weakness, fatigue, headache, the appearance of edema in the legs, arms, face; there is an increase in blood pressure, nausea, diarrhea, heart rate is disturbed, the size of the liver and spleen increase significantly, there are pain in the muscles and joints. Depending on the form of amyloidosis and the cause of its cause, the degree of symptomatic manifestations may vary. Read: How to properly prevent kidney disease Diagnosis of kidney amyloidosis The analysis of the medical history of the disease, anamnesis of life, the collection of patient complaints. A general analysis of blood and urine, biochemical analysis of blood, if necessary, a biopsy of the kidneys, genetic analysis. Informational method is computed tomography of the kidneys. Consultation of the nephrologist is necessary. Treatment of kidney amyloidosis Specific methods of therapy have not been developed, since the mechanism of the development of the disease is not completely clear. Patients should be treated for the underlying disease, which led to the development of amyloidosis, eat regularly and fractionally, more easily, for absorption by the body, food. Acceptance of diuretic drugs, anabolic steroids (Nerobol, Methandrostenolone, Dianabol). If necessary, the "artificial kidney" method is used; in more severe cases, a kidney transplant may be needed. Possible complications: chronic renal failure, there is a risk of death. Prevention of kidney amyloidosis It is necessary to ensure timely treatment of such diseases as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, as well as other serious and dangerous diseases. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat fully, exercise regularly. It should stop smoking, alcohol, drugs. Exclude uncontrolled medication.

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