sabrishhover 5 years ago
Diagnosis and How to manage this?

Diagnosis and How to manage this?

Patient, 22Yr/M, with known case of valvular heart disease (severe MS(with AF), severe TR, severe pulm. HTN) came with c/o breathlessness for 1 day and palpitation for 1 day at casualty. He had been suffering from last year but he refused to take any medications as prescribed. He had a H/o taken native medicine last week. Now he was admitted in ICCU for his breathlessness and palpitation. ECG shows AF. Now he had vomited 3-5 episodes of coffee coloured content ( in the pic. ) No mass felt per abdomen and no tenderness. He was stable with bp 122/84 and pulse rate 82/min irregular. His LFT and RFT was elevated. He is now under lasix 40mg, kbind, carvedilol 6.25mg.

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

Simple upper GI endoscopy can be done to exclude upper GI causes though there is no mass or tenderness...

over 5 years ago

Actually it contains heart failure cells, macrophages containing hemosiderin..signs of lvf backward frothy sputum for rupture of bronchopulmonary anastomosis

over 5 years ago

No upper GI bleeding , by the way!

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over 5 years ago

Actually , his INR is 5.1 (without taking warf) . Is there the cause i.e., bleeding diathesis for hematemesis?

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