Khadarabout 5 years ago
Young child with 3cm facial laceration – closure method?

Young child with 3cm facial laceration – closure method?

5yo brought to A&E by his mum with forehead laceration after whacking head on jungle gym. No loss of consciousness and child is luckily alert, and active. Unfortunately he's got a 3cm laceration crossing his hairline. Junior docs – what do you recommend for wound closure for this child? Would you go for interrupted sutures or sterli strips? Would you shave around the area or not? Why?

Top rated comment
about 5 years ago

Surgical glue, i ended up cutting my forehead too when i was young and theg used that

about 5 years ago

I ran into a brick wall and my chin had about 4 cuts, surgical glue was used when sutures probably shouldve been used

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about 5 years ago


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